Happy Passover!
Join us for Pesach at Chabad Williamsburg Virginia
4/5 - 4/13/2023
Rabbi's Message
  As we approach the holiday of Pesach, we think of all the laws, customs and traditions associated with the holiday, and what this holiday represents to us personally and as a People.

Please join us at our annual communal seder, and take advantage of our Pesach-related services and events.

You can find more information about the holiday below.

Wishing you and your family a kosher and happy Pesach,
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Community Seder
  Relive the exodus, discover the eternal meaning of the Haggadah, and enjoy a community Seder complete with hand-baked Shmurah Matzah, wine and a wonderful dinner spiced with unique traditional customs.

Wednesday night // 4/5

Following the Evening Services: #:##pm

Thursday night // 4/6

Following the Evening Services: #:##pm

Join us for Pesach Seders that you'll never forget!
Service Schedule

Wednesday // 4/5

Eat Chametz until: #:##am
Burn your chametz before: #:##am
Candle lighting time: #:##pm
Afternoon Services: #:##pm
First Seder: #:##pm

Thursday // 4/6

Morning Services: #:##am
Evening Services: #:##pm
Candle lighting time: #:##pm
Second Seder: #:##pm

Tuesday // 4/11

Candle lighting time: #:##pm
Evening Services: #:##pm

Wednesday // 4/12

Morning Services: #:##am
Evening Services: #:##pm
Candle lighting time: #:##pm

Thursday // 4/13

Morning Services: #:##am
Yizkor: #:##pm
Evening Services: #:##pm
Moshiach Meal: #:##pm
Yom Tov Ends: #:##pm
Sell Your Chametz

Use this online form to sell your chametz for Pesach.

Any chametz left undisposed must be sold to a non-Jew. Since there are many legal intricacies involved in this sale, a rabbi acts as our agent both to sell the chametz to the non-Jew on the morning before Pesach and also to buy it back the evening after Pesach ends. Use this online form to quickly delegate a rabbi to sell your chametz for you.
Maos Chittim
  "All who are hungry, let them come and eat." We must ensure that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too.

Most of the people who are hungry will not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is age-old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that indeed everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc.

Learn more!

Order Matzah
  Traditional handmade shmurah matzah is recommended for seder use.

Shmurah means watched, and it is an apt description of this matzah, the ingredients of which (the flour and water) are watched from the moment of harvesting and drawing.

Shmurah matzot are round, kneaded and shaped by hand, and are similar to the matzot that were baked by the Children of Israel as they left Egypt. It is thus fitting to use Shmurah Matzah on each of the two Seder nights for the matzot of the Seder plate.

Order your matzah today!
Meal of Moshiach

4/13, 6:30 pm (starting with Mincha)

Just when you thought you had seen it all! This day, the final day of Pesach, emphasizes an even higher Freedom! It is dedicated to our imminent and final redemption.

Following the custom of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of Chassidism, Pesach concludes with a "Feast of Moshiach." This festive meal complete with Matzah and, yes, four cups of wine, begins before sunset. It is the perfect way to spiritually take leave of Pesach and open our consciousness to the coming redemption.
Pesach Store
  Do you need a haggadah? Or perhaps a nice kiddush cup? Or a gift for a host? Get everything you need for pesach and support Chabad at the same time.
Further Reading
  Pesach is a great time to reconnect with our history and traditions. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked Pesach features from our site, from the practical to the esoteric. You’ll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on Pesach.
Pesach Guide
Pesach Guide
The Seder
Pesach Story
Pesach Kids' Site
Study & History