Rosh Hashana Schedule

October 2nd

Williamsburg Community Center, 401 N Boundary St

Candle Lighting: 6:30 PM
Evening Services: 6:45 PM
Rosh Hashana Dinner: 7:15 PM
October 3rd

Chabad House

Morning Prayer: 9:30 AM
Kids Program: 11:00 AM
Shofar Blowing: 11:30 AM

Sunken Garden at W&M

Shofar in the Park: 5:30 PM
Tashlich Service: 6:00 PM
October 4th

Chabad House

Morning Prayers: 9:30 AM
Kids Program: 11:00 AM
Shofar Blowing: 11:30 AM
October 5th

Chabad House

Morning Prayers: 10:00 AM

Yom Kippur Schedule

October 11th

Chabad House

Kol Nidrei Services and Candle Lighting: 6:00 PM
Shabbos - Yom Kippur Day
October 12th

Chabad House

Morning Services and Musaf Prayers: 9:30 AM
Mincha & Neila: 5:45 PM
Breakfast: 7:12 PM

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